Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Causes Sore Breasts Prior To Menstruation Could This Be The Answer To Our Infertility?

Could this be the answer to our infertility? - what causes sore breasts prior to menstruation

My husband and I have a 3-year-old daughter and since I was about 4 months old who have been TTC # 2, my daughter to nurse for 2 years and have always had normal periods since the last birth.

Because they let nature take its course now, I have never kept a diary of my periods had no idea what she had regularly, even though I know he's the whole month.

But since January, we have taken this TTC lark to take a little more seriously than they added.
I had low progesterone levels for some time and that is why they were successful.
My symptoms were
Terrible PMS, mood swings, depression, etc.
Breasts are very sensitive to 2 weeks after my cycle

Iv taken since January Spring eveing ovulation
while in the omega-3 and vitamin B complex and folic acid, etc.

Now my lethargy is gone, and better sleep, my periods regularly 28 days, I have PMS and my breasts are tender for 3 days beforeAF arrive.

Unless the decline in progesterone was the cause of our infertility when you consider most likely to think now?

Information or stories, we are very grateful! x


Chels said...

With regular cycles and know when she is ovulating, it is likely that the opportunities for new business. However, no symptoms of low progesterone, not always together. Progesterone is the cause of most symptoms of PMS - especially breast tenderness.

If you think your level of May / might be turned off, talk to your doctor about how to test for progesterone. Take vitamins and minerals do not change everything, that the level dramatically. And taking the primrose before ovulation and reduce PMS does not increase cervical mucus, to progesterone.

I wish you good luck! Send Babydust your way! "
** With all due respect, I have just said that the evening primrose are used to fight PMS. And chest pain may be the result of progesterone increases after ovulation. The low progesterone is the major cause of PMS. Normal Progesterone also causes PMS.

The biggest sign of low progesterone is a short luteal phase. I went to the doctor (who is doing well, just to see what so long) on NOT develop chest pain, and said all these things and for 2 weeks before my time. I have some symptoms of PMS, too. I have low progesterone. I had tried out for them. She asked for stories, not me! :)

http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/lut ...

However, I wish you good luck!

Apparently it is not understand what I have just said may be caused by low progesterone, but not the main cause for these symptoms. (And this is also the medical reference!) Only a doctor can tell. Please carefully read my complete response word for word.

Suze - mummy to Dylan and Elina said...

You can use a low progesterone. Although I agree with Chels as PMS alone does not mean that low progesterone, and lighter than other markers, a short luteal phase and the temperature drops below the reference value in the luteal phase. Spotting a few days before AF is due is also a sign.

Would, in fact, I advise you to buy a BBT thermometer and monitoring of a few bars too. One learns very much about what is going to do with your body. There is a much better idea of what could be the problem.

So if you believe that progesterone is low, you can buy a natural progesterone cream. I got mine here.


Good luck, HUN

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