Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Garden Wall Blocks What Is The Cheapest Brick To Build A Garden Wall Which Will Be Painted? Breeze Blocks?

What is the cheapest brick to build a garden wall which will be painted? Breeze blocks? - garden wall blocks

If what I have seen of 89 pence each in Wickes. Is it cheaper to go a builders'?


Realist said...


darl said...

Too bad we have no answer to the question for you
Seen cheaper to find a shop to be honest, Ive is the cheapest is Wickes

Anonymous said...

Yes be transversely cheaper, and yes, it will be cheaper by a commercial builder.

beckon82... said...

cheepest would cross, but if you did not go, lime and plaster, they still do not look at things later the same and it looks terrible recovered obyq stones, such as piles make you the chance to take your time, it pays to be wait

jungleju... said...

Beez only economic blocs have to do with something to be covered, but errm like plaster for the exterior.

Make sure your foundation is also good, as the wall will fall during this time.

rugratsh... said...

Cross check are cheap - about materials dealers - they are often painted to look terrible - check prices at local dealers, manufacturers before buying. If the wall is more than 3 blocks, you must place the springs every 6 ft or less - to foundations at least 4 cm deep from 3 blocks up support. Consider the purchase of cement-sand mixture on the wall, provides a smooth surface for painting. Also be sure to paint, use of good quality. Cap Rock is also required for water to block casue during the winter break fast enough to penetrate
Fun - PS try charity shops for a cheap DIY manual for complete instructions for everything you have to do,

Anonymous said...

Leggo-Prize nearest nursery

Lady Carole said...

What about the brick-like fantasy, you know the shape of a flower or leaves. I'm not sure if they are cheaper because they are "open" bricks, or even if you wish. Just a thought.

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